
About Membership

There are two membership options:

     2.   National membership includes the Audubon Magazine and the spring issue of the TAS newsletter.  TAS receives only $2.75 per

           national member, so we encourage our national members to support the local chapter by voluntarily paying chapter dues or making a

           contribution to TAS.  TAS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and your contribution is deductible to the extent provided by law.  Follow this

           link to join the National Audubon Society (NAS).

Become a Member

Become a member of the Topeka Audubon Society or renew your membership by printing the TAS Membership Form and mailing it in with your check. You will be supporting our efforts in promoting conservation, supporting environmental education, and providing nature recreation in northeast Kansas. Remember, all membership dues and donations to TAS are used locally.

You may also join TAS or renew your membership online by using this link:  Online Membership Renewal

Membership Benefits

Members of TAS enjoy the following benefits: