Email List

About the Email List

TAS has a email list on Google Groups.  Our Google Group is composed of an email list of members and has a archival of messages sent.  To receive messages from TAS, you must be a member of the group.  Furthermore, the email group keeps a history of all messages sent to the group.  See previously sent message and manage your membership at Topeka Audubon Group.  You do NOT need to be a members of TAS to join the group, but we welcome you to join TAS to help support our mission.

Join the Group

Enter your email address and click "Subscribe: to join the group.

Once Google Groups receives your request to join the group, you should receive a confirmation email from Google Groups.  Open the email and confirm your subscription.  This email may be in your SPAM folder, so be sure to check there.  You must confirm your subscription to become a member of the group.   If you are not receiving TAS group email updates, please contact Sue Newland to be added to the group: 

Benefits of Group Membership

Remove yourself from the Group

You can remove yourself from the list at any time. Go to the Topeka Audubon group and "edit my membership".

Event Form

Use the Email Sign Up Form at TAS Events to gather email addresses to be added to the Topeka Audubon Google Group.  We recommend printing multiple pages of the form as there is only room for about 20 email addresses per page.